Well why not start out with Bang. Today's topic 3/31/2006 Still Hypocrites. What brings this to mind was this morning on the view, I don't usually watch this show but this morning they had Joel Olsteen on for people who don't know who he is, he is a TV evangelist. The original subject dealt with some putz leaving his porn in the player and his little daughter and friend saw it. That is another topic for later, anyway the discussion lead To another evangelist Pat Roberts extreme view's of Christianity, that if you don't believe in Christ you got to hell. This is where hypocrisy comes into to play. First of all If we are going to preach the word and do so according to the father, take no script with you, no purse, only one coat and the close on your back. Thus meaning do not read from scriptures, because when you are ready to preach the Father will give you the Word to speak. No purse meaning,take no money with you, that doesn't mean give me your money for the lord. He said help the poor, not help make them poor. I am side tracking well come back to this in a moment.
When I read writings I read them word for word and translate how it is written and not twist it for what I want it to say. With that being said, If I remember correctly the Lord said to his disciples after being asked if anyone who doesn't believe in him will not enter the kingdom and his reply to them was, " Let those who know the Law be Judged by the Law and those who do not will be judged accordingly." I take this to mean if you did right in your life and did not know The Lord you can still get into the kingdom, you might half to wait awhile but eventually he will grant you entry. Remember when Christ walk the earth us gentiles were suppose to not be allowed entry, but he gave us grace to be in his presence. So unless you are John the Baptist, Abraham, Isaac or Jacob or even the Almighty himself, when you preach his word don't dare hold yourself above anyone but the meekest of soul MY Father hates the pom pus and arrogant, preach as if you are grateful to be invited to the feast. Also any person who calls himself christian and preaches but demands you to follow his way only is not preaching from a god heart but a wicked tongue because they to like the serpent demands instead of allowing free will which he did not have, still to this day tries to take it from us.
Please forgive me for my confusing way of writing I start on one thing and end up on something completely different. I get going and other things pop in to mind.
Another part of hypocrisy with the churches synagogues mosques temples, For those that believe Simon-Peter started the churches of what we know today. Wrong, Constantine the roman emperor with allot due to his mothers faith, made Christianity the Roman Religion in 300a.d. due to a strong christian presence throughout the ancient world. I am willing to bet you that the way the Lord and the Apostle's preached is not what we see and here today. As I recall did not he say I will tear down the temple and in 3 days rebuild it. Hello the temple is all around you, Also he said give to the poor and needy directly if not with hand outs then deep compassion, not give me your money I'll take my cut give the rest to Rome and then whats left will give to the poor, unless you sue us for molestation then we will pay you off. I guess we become what we follow. So if hypocrisy and deception is who you elect to follow then My Father is not your father. We need to start thinking and obtaining the knowledge that He has left for us and kick out the serpent that has snuck into the churches and religions of the world. Remember the Father did not create religions and churches, we did.
I am not saying I am better than or above anyone else that why I say we because that includes me. I might have knocked and the door was opened or sought and the truth and found it but was disturbed by it, but still I am just a man who has sinned in my life. The thing I tell myself is we can only preach his word like he wanted us to but when we do, we are not him ,we are still the same person who has sinned, so I am not better than anyone else I don't get to cast the first stone. But preach the word and not go back to the sins that made us repent in the first place. The time is coming though when the whole world will have heard his name, even in the tiniest remote unexplored region in Tasmania. Then he will come and show us how big of hypocrites we have become.
Thank you for reading and if you don't get anything out of what I wrote then just remember one thing and HIS one commandment "Due unto others as you would have done unto you." meaning everything everyday, in traffic at the store not just when we want something or on Sunday. But treat everybody good everyday.