Why is it in today's time I see more and more people using The Fathers word and twisting it with their tongues and using it for there cause and say you are cursed by GOD because you do not believe in how they want you to do things.Wrong the Father curses no one only they will be the cursed for putting words in the Fathers mouth. It doesn't matter abortion, gays, marriage is no ones business but there own and it is no one Else's right to tell you otherwise, God gave us free will even from the time in the Garden, if the Father does not take away our free will which he also gave us freely. How can man (or woman) think they are greater than God and try to take it away. The Father doesn't want our money and he also doesn't want us harming each especially over something that's an individuals right not a busy bodies to tell you other wise. Out of all the Gospels and scriptures and holy writings about the Father and I don't recall him going from town to town protesting or telling you, you can't do this and you can't do that. Also I remember when they tried to trick him about taxes and worldly things. He knew what they were doing so he said to them about taxes which was the topic for discussion " let me see a coin, and whose face is on this coin which they replied, Caesar's face,he then said give to Caesar which is Caesar's and give to God what belongs to God." For those who do not understand of for those who think they know what this means, it means the Father doesn't care about our possessions about our sports teams and any other meaningless thing in this world and came to us to help us get beyond the BS of this world he gave us this world to do with it what we will and don't we will be the ones to destroy because we are not and again people interpret things for their own purpose and that's why we think he is going to save the Earth he is not he came to save us the earth is condemned just as satan for helping deceive the creation of God. So when he comes the second time to judge the earth and it's inhabitant's, which is us.
Remember what my Father said in his last days "You can not put new wine into old skins or else they will burst." Also love one another as you would yourself." The correct meaning for the new wine and old skins means and I know this will piss allot of people off but remember the truth hurts and God doesn't care how we feel if we miss use his word, You can not put the New wine( New Covenant or Testament) into old skins (old covenant or Laws of Moses, Arc of the Covenant) or they will burst ( God's old laws can not be used with they new laws, hence the old testament is just reference to be used to announce the coming of the Messiah, well he came and gave us his new Laws the New Testament). This means if you Preach the word Use the right book even though that book barely contains a 10Th of the LORDS works and teaching's allot of the Leaders of the churches will tell you that they are Gnostic writings or fakes or anything else to get you not to read them or to expand your knowledge and wisdom of the Lord and our true inheritance into the Kingdom of God. Remember what he said " the leaders of the temples(church) will try and hide the knowledge from the children." The leaders of satan's temple's and churches have tried through the centuries to kill of the knowledge by burning the writings and killing or labeling the authors heretics when in turn they themselves would. So also remember he said he would give the knowledge away freely to everyone who asked. So he hid them safe for us for a time when they could not be hidden anymore. I will give you a clue Dead Sea scrolls the Nag Hammad Library and all the great writings about the lord that the devil thought he hid from us. Also the King James Bible those writing were selected by the king himself because those where the most submissive writings but they were not read the gospel of Matthew in it's entirety also John wrote these works are just a tiny portion of what was written all his works and miracles where written down they would fill the earth so what slipped threw john told us that there was allot my gospels and writings than we think. In the gospel of Matthew the Father tells us to watch out for the leaders of the synagogues( churches) for they are try to hide the knowledge of heaven from the ones it really belongs to. Also he Tell's us to give back freely what he has given us. Which I am trying to do He has given me the knowledge freely so I shall pass on freely to others what the Father has given me. To all other preachers, priest, mullahs, Rabbi's and reverends its time to teach right. You get fat on the false offerings of money to God he doesn't want there money you do to live your fancy lifestyle and greediness that the LORD talks against. We need to take satan out of our works Remember God didn't build the temples or churches man did so satan can enter when you invite him and he is not afraid of man just GOD. If you heart is not as pure as you preach then who really wins.
Remember satan was once from GOD but he fell and in order to beat him your heart has to be more pure than his so when JESUS told us before we can cast out the darkness from our brothers eye we have to cast out the darkness in ours. We are not better then no one else, so before we preach do not judge just spread GOD's word and let him Judge. Like I said before we all get JESUS complex where we think we are as holy as He. I know I have sinned and if we kept with the old laws, you and I would be sinning everyday because even alittle harmless white lie, like telling a telemarketer the person responsible for making the the decisions is not home, yes under mosses law that is a sin. So if you say you truly believe then put your faith where your mouth is. Also remember what faith is and do not give up on it even through the worst of times when you think the devil is winning because if you really site back and ask you you made it through you will see He has been the one carrying you the whole way.
I don't like to talk about my personal life but if will help someone then it is worth talking about. OK, lets start after being married about 1 or 2yrs (don't remember, shh) Dec 15 two days before my wife's 30Th birthday we found a lump called the doctor and made an appt.(mind you in Sept my wife had a full womanly exam and there was no lump.) So in Feb 04 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, God got us through that then in Aug 05 a mishap at work made me turn to quitting my job and start my own business well that was rough no money coming in but one check until this month but God kept us going giving us our daily bread so when bad things happen actually think about who the cause really is, because GOD is not the one leading us the wrong way the bad one is GOD is the one holding the door open for you waiting for you to come back home. SO check the path you are on and make sure it is the right one.
Peace be unto Peace
Glory unto Glory
GOD bless, Thank You Matthew.